Friday, May 21, 2010

Mixin to allow any element to submit a form and trigger an event

I modified the builtin LinkSubmit component to be able to use the same thing on any element.

I changed it to a mixin and did some other minor changes.

public class AnySubmit {

* The name of the event that will be triggered if this component is the cause of the form submission. The default
* is "selected".
@Parameter(allowNull = false, defaultPrefix = BindingConstants.LITERAL)
private String event = EventConstants.SELECTED;

@Parameter(defaultPrefix = BindingConstants.LITERAL)
private String clientEvent = "change";

* The value that will be made available to event handler method of this component when the form is
* submitted.
private Object context;

* If true (the default), then any notification sent by the component will be deferred until the end of the form
* submission (this is usually desirable).
private boolean defer = true;

private ClientElement container;

private ComponentResources resources;

private RenderSupport renderSupport;

private FormSupport formSupport;

private Heartbeat heartbeat;

private Request request;

private static class ProcessSubmission implements ComponentAction {

private final String clientId;

public ProcessSubmission(String clientId) {
this.clientId = clientId;

public void execute(AnySubmit component) {

private void processSubmission(String clientId) {

String hiddenFieldName = clientId + ":hidden";

if (request.getParameter(hiddenFieldName) != null) {
final Object[] contextToPublish = getContext(request, clientId);
Runnable notification = new Runnable() {

public void run() {
resources.triggerEvent(event, contextToPublish, null);

if (defer)

private Object[] getContext(Request request, String clientId) {
String contextFieldName = clientId + ":context";
String context = request.getParameter(contextFieldName);
if (context != null) {
return new Object[] { context };
String value = request.getParameter(clientId);
if (value != null) {
return new Object[] { value };
return null;

void beginRender() {, new ProcessSubmission(container.getClientId()));

void afterRender(MarkupWriter writer) {
renderSupport.addInit("anySubmit", formSupport.getClientId(), container.getClientId(), clientEvent);
if (context != null) {
writer.element("input", "type", "hidden", "value", context, "name", container.getClientId() + ":context");

Tapestry.AnySubmit = Class.create({

initialize: function(formId, clientId, event)
this.form = $(formId);
this.element = $(clientId);

this.element.observe(event, this.onEvent.bindAsEventListener(this));

createHidden : function()
var hidden = new Element("input", { "type":"hidden",
"name": + ":hidden",


onEvent : function(event)

var onsubmit = this.form.onsubmit;

if (onsubmit == undefined ||, event))

return false;

Tapestry.Initializer.anySubmit = function(formId, clientId, event)
new Tapestry.AnySubmit(formId, clientId, event);

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